Saturday, May 16, 2015

Opinion Peace and Moral Absolutism

^ Does anyone else wonder if there will ever be such a thing, particularly on social media, as "opinion peace". The whole point of civil society is we can express different points of view without fear of retribution. Of course this means the right to conflicting opinions, but with the genius/stupidity of the design of the 'share' button, I wonder how many people stop and question the rhetoric or reductionist logic behind things that they sometimes post.

Some of the things I see that people clearly have not even begun to try to understand the 'bigger picture' behind something, results in an un-follow at the least. Some of the memes that get circulated are so simplistic and people seem to believe it's an accurate portrayal of sentiment, or a proper argument, when it is everything but. 

It's difficult: by staying silent are you 'letting them get away with it' or by arguing/ defending a point, are you egging them on and just giving them a power-trip and thus a platform soap box to preach their disdain? Social media is seemingly distorting this line between what is and isn't acceptable to shove in people's faces.

Much of the terribly reductionist nationalistic racist crap that circulates, I wonder if people pick up on the fact that this does come back to them, this safe distance between a post on your computer and actually telling someone to their face you think their religion or lifestyle is not acceptable- any coward can push a button and be a keyboard warrior. Some of the nationalistic rhetoric I see posted, I wonder if people would have the courage to say that to someone's face, if so I would be horrified.

Social Media isn't a great place for Moral Absolutism. Moral absolutism is in itself troubling enough, but to pit vague on-line friendships in the camps of "with me" or "against me" is a good way for no one to care about any of what you have to say.

It's just difficult. Everyone wants to feel like their views matter and that they're important, and informed on the world around them, the difficulty is that not many people question their base assumptions, and let memes do the talking that perhaps should be engaged in face to face, instead of enraged 'viewers' who simultaneously feel connected and disconnected.

When you think abstractedly and question everything naturally, it's hard to ignore the massive world of general ignorance the internet has given us access to, at our angry and dependent fingertips....

All pics from Tumblr


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